Friday, April 07, 2006

Weekday Post #26: We’ve LOST the Battle but Not the War with ABC

I have to apologize to those who are looking forward to part two of the series, William Shatner’s #1 Fan’s Great Parenting Advice, but something urgent has just come up which demands immediate attention. I’ll post part two and three of the parenting series this weekend. I apologize for the delay and any inconvenience it may have caused.

Just when we thought that the I Hate Star Wars Club was winning the Lost wars, ABC sucker punched us below the belt. For those who didn’t see the show because of the boycott, this week’s episode of Lost featured a character that compared digital photo editing to movie special effects—specifically the destruction of the Death Star in Star Wars. Needless to say, I was furious. I immediately turned off the TV immediately and vowed that I would never watch the show again and this time I meant it.

Once again, ABC has wasted an opportunity to promote Star Trek in favor of shamelessly shoving the Star Wars lifestyle down our throats. Mentioning the Death Star didn’t even make sense within the context of the scene! A reference to Star Trek would have been infinitely more appropriate. Imagine how much more emotionally powerful and relevant the dialogue would have been if instead of barefacedly plugging Star Wars the character had said this line: “I could have been digitally removed from the photograph with Photoshop. If they can make a Klingon Birds of Prey disappear from the screen when it activates the cloaking device in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, then surely they can take me out of a picture.”

Thinking about what could and should have been just makes me sad. ABC didn’t even bother to relate their Star Wars promotion to the plot. They’re getting careless now because they think that nothing can stop them. What does a grossly inaccurate and unrealistic representation of a space station exploding (you can’t have a ring of fire in the vacuum of space) have to do with Lost? Not a thing. The only possibly plot relevance I can see is that they are trying to use Star Wars as a symbolic hint about which characters are bad guys. Yet everybody seems to think that the fat kid is a good guy even though he was twice mentioned Star Wars.

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of ABC trying to force us to accept their twisted Star Wars devotion by blatantly advertising it on prime time television. Let’s show these goons that we’re not scared of them! Once again, we’ll use the comments section of this blog as a petition to have Lost taken off the air. Remember, every vote counts. Last time, only one person signed because everyone else was scared that his or her singular voice couldn’t really make a difference. Rest assured, your voice can and will be heard by the fat cats at ABC! They’ll forever regret the day that they pissed off William Shatner’s #1 Fan and the members of the I Hate Star Wars Club!


At 10:43 PM, Blogger m said...

Err...I was making fun of the fact that nobody signed. I like Lost but I don't like Star Trek.

I think nobody signed because they are all closet Lost fans. Including you.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger William Shatner's #1 Fan said...

I am not a closet Lost fan. The only reason I was watching the show was to make sure that they didn’t violate the public’s trust by advertising for Star Wars. Now that my suspicions about their intentions have been confirmed, I will never watch the show again.

Besides, I think you are a closet Star Trek fan, or at least a closet Star Wars hater because you keep reading my blog.

At 4:04 AM, Blogger m said...

I'm just bored. My allegiances lie neither way.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger William Shatner's #1 Fan said...

I just hope that that the message of this blog will sink in while you’re relieving your boredom. I believe that you will become a Star Trek fan soon.


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