Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Weekday Post #18: The I Hate Star Wars Club Craze

The blogosphere has exploded with the I Hate Star Wars Club craze. Bloggers can’t stop talking about it. Unfortunately, a small percentage of the discussion has not been positive. While, I am of course disappointed, the negativity is understandable for a couple of reasons. First, the naysayers are obviously a jealous that I’ve been blogging for less then a month and I already wield considerable worldwide influence while they are stuck floundering with tiny readerships consisting of their moms and the friends they paid to click their link.

Second, a blog as revolutionary as the I Hate Star Wars Club is naturally going to meet a certain amount of resistance from the luddites and fear mongers who despise nothing so much as change. Finally, and most likely, the bloggers are desperate members of the Star Wars militia who are resorting to guerrilla tactics to unfairly attack me.

For example, look at these two blogs. The bloggers clearly have no reason other than resentful hatred for attacking me so viciously. I would advice female readers to avoid clicking the links as your delicate tummies may erupt with vomit and bile when you behold the filth these impious blasphemers call a blog.
Blog 1
Blog 2

For those unable to click the link and see their beloved club slandered, allow me to summarize one of the posts, which states that the I Hate Star Wars Club “hits a new low.” Let me explain something to these so-called bloggers. The only low I hit is Star Wars. In fact, I STOMP that low on a daily basis!

I am not an idealist fool; I know that there will always be those who detest me for doing what’s right. However, I vow that I will never bow to their pressure! This blog will remain online until our club mission of utterly eradicating Star Wars has been accomplished!

I beseech each and every I Hate Star Wars Club members with blogs or websites of their own to flood the internet with praise for this blog. We’ll let these losers know how real bloggers report on world-shattering ideas whose time has come! Email me with links to your sites and I’ll post an index of them next week!

William Shatner’s # 1 Fan out!

P.S. Happy Birthday to I Hate Star Wars Club member Bradley. He is turning 16 today and is hoping to get his first kiss for a present. Bradley has been a huge supporter of the I Hate Star Wars Club from its inception and currently serves on the committee of the club’s western states division from the headquarters in Billings MT. Thanks for all the hard work Bradley and good luck with that kiss.
If you’d like your birthday mentioned on this blog, email me.


At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. Um, if I may offer up something in the way of self-defense here, I only joined the Star Wars party when Episode 3 came out...and only then because I think Ewan McGregor is hot.

No, I'm not a Star Trek fan, but I'm not a science fiction fan anyway.

I mean no disrespect to you and your blog and those who appreciate Star Trek. If you'll notice, the majority of my regular readers who commented on that post were Star Trek fans!

At 11:33 PM, Blogger William Shatner's #1 Fan said...

Thank you for your comment. I was just a little shocked with your original blog that said, “Bite me and prosper.” I’m afraid I overreacted. I thought you were a Star Wars goon. I can understand your being a fan of Ewan McGregor. He is second only to William Shatner at the art of rousing a woman’s passions.
Thanks. Your friend, William Shatner’s #1 Fan

At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, not a goon. I can't help but have SW stuff around the house -- my six year old Son loves the movies, but I'm not all immersed. I just enjoy looking at Ewan McGregor; he needs to be nude in the SW movies...likes he's been in some of his other films.

Sorry about the "Bite Me..." stuff. It was out of line.

At 4:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I want to tell you that your term "Star Wars militia" is just as made up in the same negative fasion as Dubya's term "Axis of Evil" is. Like the so-called "Axis of Evil" the suppoosed "Star wars militia" does not exist at all, it is all in your head that there is a "militia" for Star Wars. Just because there are Star Wars Fan Clubs that actually exist, does NOT mean that there is a "Star Wars Militia". Dislike Star Wars, just don't watch it, hate it, go see a psychaitrist or therapist.


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