Monday, May 29, 2006

Weekday Post #62: Sacrilegious, Heretical, Blasphemous, Profane, Impious, and Heterodox!

My so-called mother, even though she doesn’t deem me worthy to live with her anymore, invited me over for dinner last night. She made stuffed cabbage, which is my favorite meal and I though that perhaps her kind actions might be the first steps to earning my forgiveness. Little did I know she was simply inviting me over to flaunt her newly embraced Star Wars goon lifestyle.

After supper, my mom, my sister, and I all went into the living room for one of her “family talks.” I immediately noticed a change on her entertainment center. Right there in plain view of anyone who happened to wander into the house, was this horrid scene!

I couldn’t speak. My face flushed with blood and my knuckles whitened as my fingers folded into fists. Without even glancing to see what I was looking at my mom said, “Don’t even start with me about Star Wars. I’m done hiding those movies.”

Without distracting my gaze from the anarchic scene before me I said, “Done hiding them? How long have you been hiding them? How long were they in this house? Did you have them here when I lived here?”

“I’ve had them for years in a box under my bed. They’re good movies, I like them, and I am not going to hide them anymore.” She invited me to sit down and said, “I don’t care what we talk about, so long as we don’t talk about Star Wars.”

I marched up the entertainment center and began to remove the Star Trek films. My mom yelled at me to stop but I shouted back, “Never let these films share the same self again! You want to watch Star Wars? That’s your business! But I won’t allow for these movies to even be in the same apartment as Star Wars!”

My sister yelled, “Don’t you dare yell at mom! She can put her [expletive] movies wherever the [expletive] she wants!”

I turned to her. “You too? I suppose you let your daughter watch Star Wars, just like our so-called brother lets his sons watch it.”

“She’s seen them all, yes. She doesn’t even know the difference between them.”

I threw the Star Trek VHS tapes on the floor and said, “Fine. You people do what you want. Stack the movies on top of each other for all I care. In a few months time, the I Hate Star Wars Club will eliminate all trace of Star Wars from the world and Star Wars goons like you will crawl to me pleading for my forgiveness. I will remember your actions of this day when it is time to judge the wicked.”

My sister said I was insane as I walked out the front door.


At 1:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I want you to stop this dichotomy, Star Trek and Star Wars can shere the same shelf if the owner of the tapes or DVDs wants. You are just like our worst presdient ever, George, who sees a war betwixt USA and the so-called "Axis of Evil".


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