Monday, April 24, 2006

Weekday Post #37: Lost Creator Officially Switches Allegiance from Star Wars to Star Trek

I always knew that the I Hate Star Wars Club wielded considerable worldwide influence, but I never expected such exceptional results to the club’s mission so soon.

Thanks to my tireless efforts, J.J. Abrams has apparently repented of the great wrong he has done to humanity by subliminally inserting Star Wars ads into his TV show Lost. I am excited to announce that he has decided to turn his talents, which I am now willing to confess that he has, to directing the next Star Trek movie! Even the Lost geeks are talking about it! Thanks to all the members of the I Hate Star Wars Club for writing letters to Mr. Abrams asking him to convert to Star Trek. Although this blog is primarily responsible for his surprising defection from “the dark side,” you all played a small role in helping this happen and you should feel great about that.

Though this happy development seems legit, I'm not 100% convinced that Mr. Abrams’s intentions are entirely noble. His reputation of being one of the sneakier Star Wars Goons will be hard to shake and he will have to work hard to earn my trust. Fear not club members, I will carefully monitor these developments and will pounce if he tries any underhanded Star Wars promotions. For example, if he casts Hayden Christensen as young Captain Kirk, I'll stomp his ass Shatner-style!"

More on the exciting movie news tomorrow!


At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your tireless efforts. Without you and your noble crusade the world would be doomed to the ignorance that plagued Europe during the Dark Ages. For that is what we would have, the Dark Ages of Star Wars, if you did not devote yourself so completely to this cause. Thank you for saving civilization!

At 10:52 PM, Blogger William Shatner's #1 Fan said...

Thanks for being my #1 fan, but I simply can’t accept, for reasons that I explain in today’s post.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

How come you are so against any mentions of Star Wars in the Lost show, all because you see it as "propaganda". Abrams is making Star Trek 11 and casting Chris Pine as the young James T. Kirk. You cannot go through life getting your way you fanatical Star Wars hater.


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