Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Weekday Post #33: Playground Joke for the Kidz

I get email all the time from kids who want to know how to tell their playmates that Star Wars sucks. First off, I’d like to commend these children for being willing to play with their Star Wars fan classmates. I believe that young Star Wars fans may learn from your excellent examples and eventually turn their allegiances to Star Trek.

To answer the question of how best to tell your playground friends that Star Wars sucks, I would suggest telling simple jokes—nothing too complex! Remember, children are very dim-witted (Star Wars fan children are, of course, doubly stupid) so they can’t understand complex humor. I recommend Knock Knock Jokes that teach simple lessons about Star Trek superiority. Feel free to use the joke provided below.

Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Why are you crying, Jedi Scum? If Captain Kirk were here, he’d give you something to cry about!


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're very delusional aren't you, oh high and mighty one?

"Children are very dim-witted"? Nice, you ignorant bastard.


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