Saturday, April 22, 2006

Weekend Post #15: Who the Hell is Greedo?

Some eagle-eyed I Hate Star Wars Club members may have noticed that the majority of my comments have dealt with the astoundingly terrible character, Anakin Skywalker. I’ve gotten a few emails asking if I truly hate Star Wars or if I primarily hate Anakin Skywalker.

While it’s true that I detest Anakin Skywalker and laugh heartily every time someone says that he is an excellent swordsman, he is not the sole subject of my loathing. The entire Star Wars series is an unfunny joke; Anakin is just the character that I’m most familiar with so he receives the brunt of my criticism.

However, I know very well that it’s important to attack other aspects of the series as well. Sometimes I fear that I am not adequately prepared to do that. Let me illustrate with a story. Yesterday, a Star Wars fan coworker mentioned a character called Greedo and I didn’t say anything because I had no idea who that was. Everyone in the office laughed at me because I didn’t have a witty comment about how much Star Wars sucked. My manager, a card carrying Star Wars goon, said that I was losing my edge.

I don’t want something like that to ever happen again. I refuse to let my lack of knowledge about Star Wars prevent me from destroying it. I’ve come to realize that in order to convince Star Wars fans that the series is terrible, I’m going to have to learn more about it so that I can more thoroughly discredit it. For this reason, and let me emphasize, this reason alone, I am going to take a bullet for the entire I Hate Star Wars Club, and watch the series. This way, I can take detailed notes while I watch and use them to make posts that will bring the miserable franchise to its knees.

I know that by doing this, I am taking a significant risk that I will enjoy the movies and become a Star Wars fan. If I turn into a Star Wars goon, I will become an enemy to all of my readers and worldwide club members. I’d have to change my name to Hayden Christensen’s #1 Fan and live in hiding.

Psych! Don’t make me laugh! Star Wars sucks! There’s no way I’ll get hooked on those lame movies. The only risk I’m taking is that I’ll overdose on Pepto-Bismol when I’m trying to control my nausea during the romance scenes between Anakin and Padmé.


At 10:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Tn this blog entry, you really said a way to find proof on how Star Wars is, watch it and take notes of what you see. If I am going to test your theory myself, then I should take notes of what I see if I were to watch it solely to test your opinion.
I already have some notes to discredit Star Wars to, but from certain parts:
The underwater scence in Phantom Menace teaches us that there is ALWAYS a bigger fish, but that is mistaken and the correct answer is there is USUALLY a bigger fish. Even in the food chain, bigger is NOT always better.
Another is when they tell you not to think, but just feel, that sounds reckless,
In Empire Strikes Back, Yoda told Luke to release all skepticism and doubt, but you have to be skeptical of anything unless it is backed up by overwhelming evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. (Some things are accepted as true without carefully sufficient thought.)

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Timon & Captain Kirk's #1 Fan said...

You are right about having to watch a movie to learn more about it before you can discredit it. Although my subconcious hates Titan AE Toxicity, and I wanted to say NO when I saw its horrid trailer in early 2000, I was afirad of losing my Orion II due to the prior years crisis. I forced myself against my own will to watch that toxic film where the spaceship blows up Earth. But the bright side is on subject, AT LEAST I learned things about it that I could not have otherwise to further discredit it. Peace Out!


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