Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Weekday Post #54: How Much Would You Pay?

This morning, an I Hate Star Wars Club member bravely fighting in the resistance group in Sithlord’s home town of St Louis, MO, sent me an email saying that he had tried to promote the truth about Star Wars on the official Star Wars webpage but was unable to because the site required payment before users could access the message board. He wrote, “This experience made me realize how important your blog is, because everyone, even assholes like Sithlord can post free of charge.” (Editors Note: Sithlord may be able to post for free, but he is well aware that his hateful comments are not welcome here.)

Thank you for the kind words, but you should know that my blog isn’t the only free resource on the web for Star Wars haters. The entire site at is completely free of charge, including the massive library that is so huge that I haven’t even finished reading it yet. There is enough content there to keep anyone fully satisfied for years and none of it costs a cent.

I find it very interesting that Gene Roddenberry’s massive vision is shared with the world free of charge while Star Wars goons must pay George Lucas a hefty fee for the privilege of having their intelligence insulted by his banal story. Considering that most Star Wars goons work minimum wage jobs in the fast food industry, it’s a wonder that any of them can even afford to visit their homepage. George Lucas not only wants Gene Roddenberry’s glory, he also wants all of your money. Thankfully, the number of people willing to give it to him is rapidly diminishing.


At 1:59 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I know that it is free to visit and it cost a monthly fee to asscess some stuff on I do not know for sure if George Lucas neccessarily wants Gene Roddenberry's glory, so if you want me to throughly agree with you, then you must prove it beyond a reasonable douubt, the same rules as a court of law. I seriously dislike Star Wars for making me feel that I have to be something that I am not, unlike Star Trek which makes me feel like I belong.

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't make fun of other peoples' jobs, your a telemarketer. Not only that but from what you've said you don't actually work.

Besides, someone has to serve you when you go to the drive-thru every day.

At 1:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

When you say that George Lucas wants Gene Roddenberry's glory, it is you who are making the claim, I dare you to try and prove it to me. I want genuine evidence, not any quote moning. Quote mining is something that creationist zombies like to do, a dishonest practice of taking other peoples quotes to mean the opposite of what they really meant. Do not quote mine George Lucas, look at his quotes carefully and stick to what they really mean.


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