Monday, March 06, 2006

Weekday Post #2: The Oscar Shutout

Congratulations to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for shutting out Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Honestly, I can’t believe it was even nominated. The original 1966 Star Trek Series had better special effects! Now don’t go all crazy about computer graphics and crap like that. Star Trek’s effects are better because they are emotional involving! Every time someone gets shot with a Star Trek phaser I can feel a pain in my belly. The acting in Star Trek is so poignant that the audience can’t help but empathize with the actor’s pain. (Even when the phaser is set to stun!) Not only that, but every time someone gets beamed up, I get a little misty eyed thinking about the glorious technologies that await us in the future. Star Wars effects, on the other hand, are completely pointless. It’s like trying to get seriously concerned about the characters in a lame video game. So good job Academy for not making a terrible mistake.

Oh, and by the way, Chronicles of Narnia, you’re lucky that there wasn’t a new Star Trek film this year because the makeup used to make Brent Spiner look like Data would have walked away with a little gold statue leaving Mr. Tumnus to cry little goat tears, which would no doubt smear his ridiculous makeup all down his cheeks.


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